2009 Medical Mission, Cebu
Sinulog of Miami and CDU-ICOP
Medical Mission: Philippines 2009

Sinulog 2010
"Sinulog 2009" was another wonderful blessing. The feel of "family" seemed to permeate the air as we were honored with an ever growing number of devotees. We have found a home in Good Shepherd Catholic Church and look forward to maintaining that relationship in future Sinulog of Miami events. This year's celebration was marked by a very heart-felt and heart-warming liturgical celebration - many felt as if they were in Cebu, in front of the Basilica singing the "Gozos" whilst waiving outreached hands. A vibrant procession followed as devotees "moved their feet to the beat!" More blessings ensued as we were graced with talents that spanned three generations! The theme of "family" seemed to be the strong unsaid unifying theme that day. Everything just felt.. right!